
Writing A Letter To Santa Claus

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Writing a letter to Santa is a super fun Christmas tradition. A well written letter shows Santa you are polite, plus it makes it easier for him to get you the presents you want. After all, with millions of children (and children-at-heart) asking for presents, you could say he is a pretty busy guy. Start by thinking about what you want to ask for in advance. Then write a polite letter, decorate it, and give it to your parents to send off to the North Pole.

Sample Letters

  1. 1

    Make a list of the things you want a few days before. Start out by writing down everything you think you might want a couple days before you write your letter to Santa. Return to your list every so often and reconsider what you wrote. Cross off items you are not keen on, keeping only the ones you really love.[1]

    • Santa gets tons of letters from children (and children-at-heart) around the globe, so sometimes he is not able to get a child everything on their list. This is why it is important that you only include your top items.
  2. 2

    Put on some Christmas tunes. You should be full to the brim with Christmas spirit when you write your letter to Santa and there is nothing like a little Christmas music to get the job done. You can play Christmas music on the radio, your phone, or even on a computer. Ask your parents if you need help.


  3. 3

    Pick your paper. You can keep it simple with a plain white piece of paper or you can go for something a little bolder. Colorful construction paper works well. Whatever paper you pick, make sure to grab a couple pieces in case of mess-ups.

    • Ask your parents if they have any fun paper you can use.
    • You can also use a premade card if you want. Talk to your parents to see what they have.
  4. 4

    Choose something to write with. You can use a pen or a pencil, but feel free to use crayons, colored pencils, and markers, too. You can even combine different writing tools, like markers and colored pencils, to make a super colorful letter.

    • Make sure you can write clearly and neatly with whatever writing utensil you pick. Santa needs to be able to read your letter so he can bring you what you want.


  1. 1

    Write your address. Start by writing your full address in the top right-hand corner of the page. Do this carefully so Santa will know where to find you and so he can write a letter back. On the second line, write the date. However, this may not be much of a requirement since Santa always knows where to find people, especially on Christmas Eve.

    • Ask your parents for help if you are not sure how to write your address.
  2. 2

    Begin your letter with "Dear Santa". This type of greeting is called a salutation. You should always start your letters with a salutation, so writing to Santa is really good practice.

  3. 3

    Tell Santa who you are. Santa knows you, of course – he has been watching you all year. However, he gets lots of letters, so he needs to know which one is yours. Include your name and add your age if you want.

    • Write, "My name is _____. I am __ years old."
  4. 4

    Ask Santa how he is doing. It is always polite to ask the person you are writing to how they are and Santa is no exception. You could ask him how the weather has been up in the North Pole, how Mrs. Claus is doing, or if the reindeer enjoyed the food you left out for them last year.

    • Showing your manners will boost your chances of being on the Nice List.
  5. 5

    Tell Santa the good things you have done this year. He is a busy guy, so he may need a little reminder about how good you have been. Tell him about your accomplishments at school, the good things you have done for your family and friends, and how well you have listened to your parents. Remember to be honest. Santa's had his eye on you, so he will know if you are being truthful.

    • You might write, "I helped my little sister tie her shoes last week" or "I cleaned my room right away when my parents asked."
  6. 6

    Ask Santa politely for the things on your list. Take a look at the list you wrote a few days ago, which should have a few presents that you really love. Then politely ask Santa for these goodies in your letter; remember to say please.

    • Write something like, "I would please like a new soccer ball, a scooter, and a cool pair of sneakers."
  7. 7

    Include a request for someone else, if you want. It is a lot of fun to get presents from Santa on Christmas, but do not forget that Christmas is all about love and compassion. Think about the people in your life. Is there any kind wish or present that you want to include for them?[2]

    • Maybe your mother is crazy about chocolate bars. You could ask Santa for a few chocolate bars for her. Say something like, "I would also like two chocolate bars for Mommy because they are her favorite!"
    • Your request does not have to be a present--it can also just be a nice wish for a person you love. You could wish for a happy Christmas for everyone in your family or that your brother's broken arm heals up soon.
  8. 8

    Finish up by thanking Santa. It is a lot of work delivering millions of presents to kids all over the world in a single night, so thank Santa for his kindness.

    • You could say, "Thank you for being so kind and generous. I appreciate it!"
    • You could also write something like, "It is amazing how you deliver presents every year to kids like me all over the world. Thank you so much."
  9. 9

    Sign your letter. Use a closing statement like "sincerely," "love," or "best wishes." Then, sign your name underneath.

    • For example, you might sign your letter, "Love, Abby."


  1. 1

    Draw pictures on your letter. Now that you have finished writing your letter, you can decorate it however you would like! You might want to draw some Christmas trees, a reindeer, or a snowman. You can even draw a portrait of Santa himself! Santa is sure to get a kick out of that.[3]

    • Use crayons, markers, colored pencils, and pens to draw all sorts of Christmas pictures.
    • If you make a few mistakes, do not worry; Santa loves little imperfections. However, if you really want to start over, you can.
  2. 2

    Add a border. If you want, you can draw a border around the edges of your letter. Your border can be anything you want. You can do simple line border or draw a patterned border made of stars or Christmas trees.[4]

  3. 3

    Address the envelope. Ask your parents for an envelope, and slide your letter inside. On the front of the envelope, write "Santa Claus, North Pole" in big, clear letters. That way, the postman will know where to send the letter. Seal the envelope when you are done.

    • Feel free to decorate the envelope.
  4. 4

    Give the letter to your parents to send. They will know how to get it to Santa. Soon, your letter will be on its way to the North Pole. Santa will be impressed by all the work you put into writing it.[5]

    • It might be cool to ask your parents to show you the North Pole on a map so you can see where your letter is going. It looks cold there, doesn't it?


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  • Question

    What if my handwriting is not that good?

    Community Answer

    It's okay. Santa reads so many letters that he's pretty good at reading messy handwriting. If you're really worried, you could type or your letter or ask a friend or family member to help you.

  • Question

    What if I spelled something wrong, and Santa could not read it?

    Community Answer

    Have a parent or other adult check over your spelling before you send your letter. If you already sent it, don't worry. Santa's pretty smart, so he should be able to figure it out.

  • Question

    What if you don't have a local post office?

    Community Answer

    Don't worry. Go ahead and write a letter, then give it to your parents. They'll know how to get it to Santa.

  • Question

    Does Santa know what I want even if I don't send him a letter?

    Community Answer

    He might, but it's helpful to send him a letter anyway so he'll know for sure.

  • Question

    If we send a letter to santa, do we get a reply?

    Community Answer

    Sometimes you'll get a reply, but Santa is super busy with Christmas preparations, don't feel bad if you don't get one.

  • Question

    Should I leave my letter on the tree or at the post office?

    Community Answer

    Ask your parents about the best way to get your letter to Santa. They'll give you advice on what to do.

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  • Use a capital letter for the first letter of a name.

  • Write your letters around early December so they will have time to get to Santa.

  • Write a practice letter first.

  • Trust Santa. If you do not get something you want, maybe it was too big or he could not afford it. He does have a lot of people to buy or make presents for.

  • Always be polite when you write a letter to Santa. Use words like "please", and avoid phrasing your request in a demanding way (e.g. "Give me"). "I want" and "I would like" are in a grey area-- they can come off as either polite or rude, depending on the context, so tread carefully with them.

  • Check your spelling or have an adult check it for you.

  • Do not be greedy. To avoid coming off as greedy, do not ask for more than a few items, and don't phrase your request in a demanding way (see the "be polite" tip above).

  • Remember what you want and don't wait until the last minute to write your letter/s.

  • Make sure to write your letter before Christmas.

  • Remember to be good all year.

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  • Do not give out lots of information. Your first name and age is enough.

  • Do not send a letter with personal details to an unknown destination.


Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pens, pencils, crayons, colored pencils, markers, or paint
  • Envelope

About This Article

Article SummaryX

If you want to write a letter to Santa Claus, start by writing your address in the top right-hand corner of the page. Write clearly so Santa will know where to find you. On the next line, on the left-hand side of the page, write "Dear Santa," followed by a comma. Drop down another line to write the body of your letter, starting with your name and age. Ask Santa how he is, so he'll know you have nice manners, then tell him what you want for Christmas. Be sure to ask him nicely! Finish the letter by signing your name. To learn the address for the North Pole, keep reading!

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Writing A Letter To Santa Claus


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